View Full Version : The life of a sensor?

January 3rd, 2011, 20:40
Ahhh the little things in life turn out to be precious, especially if they are sensors on our cars.....
Does anyone have an idea how long MAF's last? O2's ?
Several diff threads, I had cold start issues, MAF failures, lean/rich, misfires codes....since 3 weeks ago, I cut down the amount of Aces(used 4oz 1st time, oops), had my MAF connectors rewired(cracked from air box removal, age, heat etc.), as some know coils and plugs all new....
I even cleaned my MAFs with MAF cleaner...now the code for MAF never came back, misfire never came back, adjusted aces(and pulled cable), but continued to get lean/rich, bank1/2 and every 3rd day CEL...the beast is at mechanics, he is installing the DP's/test pipes, I asked for new O2's(ouch), btw he would not guarantee the work using cheaper O2's and splicing, he then emails at 9am and said in the rediness test, the MAF showed shot.......car does have 73k miles now, rains it poors....it didnt run poorly, idle off a little..

I knew going in she's not cheap...

January 3rd, 2011, 21:12
I have never used anything to "clean" MAF sensors. No chemicals, no wiping, no brushing. Nothing.

Depending on what you used to clean the MAF sensors....you could have caused the failure.

January 3rd, 2011, 21:24
http://www.rs6.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAUDBAQEAwUEBAQFBQUGBwwIBwcHBw8LCwkMEQ8SEhEPER ETFhwXExQaFRERGCEYGh0dHx8fExciJCIeJBweHx7/2wBDAQUFBQcGBw4ICA4eFBEUHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh 4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh7/wAARCABQAFADASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHAABAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcDBgQFCAIJ/8QANhAAAQMDAwIEAwUIAwAAAAAAAQIDBAAFEQYSIQcxExQiQQh RYSRCcYGxFRcjMkNSkZKhwfD/xAAaAQEBAQADAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQMEBQYC/8QAJhEAAgIBAgQHAQAAAAAAAAAAAAECEQQDMQUSQYETIVFSYXG h0f/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9l0pSgFKVxrnMRCiLeURkD0gnuScf90B+ fvxO3e4PdftUM+fklhqQ22hvxVbUAMtggDOBzmub8KF4uCevum 4hnyvLPKkIW0XlbFfZ3CMjODyBVw1x8PemdV6puGpn77dGJtxe LzyUrbKAo/2gpyB+ZrP0++H/TmjdVwNVRL5cn51vWpxlC1oDZJSUnICckYUfcUKeh6VggSkS4y HkEZI5GexrPQgpSlAKUpQCpv1LX4WrIikKSlww8ZwNxG85Ge+O 3FUipl1Y1FYdNX6HK1DaRcYkkR4nLKXAxvU8S4oK+6AjmgJ6vq e0ARFs97lpG4hbTGApKd2VDLg4whZzj7qvkazwepjUlxpqRZ75 DDjyGQuRHISFLUlKf6h4JWnnBHqHzrSJtqtcYTr9YdU2OY1CZL CzMt8hhxtl5TjCU43bFbQ4oZA7JBwfflJQyY1gvup7pHmWdT4l DyNrdWG0MvNFSFF1aQlG90J9KVDlSRwABw+bIvY9TLH4MtO4z6 fN39V/C79N1pdv9xWSguhhAURjdjJwCe+PkPxrfq0HpjerDfrlKnadhq iQkx0tbTGDGVJcVk7fl9a36uWjy73FKUqkFKUoBU/6myWYhukiRcJVvaat0dapMZouLbxIUf5R3Hsc8YJzxmqBUv6ys Tn/PeRSlZagsvOpOclCXHCcY9wcH8qq3B0miZFtvVwWzF17aLswy2 t+a0uysNrU0FffVjAAKvcZ5PzyNamaxstmULV+81HgIwEeT08l aGwSCQlxQ2kEgHIz2FcXU2jYOkNEXkOToj0q7LQ8h8J9Rb2JUt tRwBhSwSE9iMZrWdN2jV9xsEKVF09cJ8R5AS2+3N8JoKSSlWQV pCe2O59+TXHyNTUg1yI73hODhZClLI1Krpaj3tqux6H6cXKDdJ SJVvupurJtraTKIAK1BxecgcA59q3mpV0H0/M06H49xlRpEyVHEp8x3C42lSnFDaFEkqwEjJ+eaqtawbcU3udT lQ04a0o6buKfkxSlK+jAUpSgFSbq/q2FpXWUNF5UGLTdrY5BclKICGHypXhbyeEpV6xuPAJTnjmqzUi 67x2pcsRX4kKY27CSlTExexpYLh4UrBx9OO+KFiraRo6un0e4W 9iJd9RajucNhI8BLbTYRtGANiipQUBnAOSMdqolsfsOndIR9Pr t1xTa4iXFeYmuBpCfUVbluDCUjKjzxioOjQMW2SXhpi/6z040l1Q8C33FaWjgnlIUAfYnufxrI109tlynMuahueqdVKCgp Dd1uDimgSO52pOP9qjjP1NvEh7f0ufRzU8HVmqL7cLIhX7DjtN xILxziTsUsuOpKuSkrWUgnvsz71UqnHSNiPFuM2LEZbYYZjNob bbSEpQkE4AA4Aqj1TFilKUIKUpQCpH1wZckXdmO0zEeWuEnDcp G9pX8Q53D/3NVypz1StV4cvLF3t8XzLbUXwwlJwd2VHk/XIoVNp2iPzWnUTJLgjSkhSl8toJC/USOzJ75Hue3vXawH3ZE8LbsrLBQc+M8XPz27kDnn9ea7kzpjTX 2myTG1nPGAs5Gfr74/5FfIuF2fViJYZRV23bQkDt9c+/y9jWlEs3LpMrdfLmD38Bv9TVIrQul1pu8WZLuNyjiOl9lCAgnn IOf8c1vtZhilKUB//Z (http://www.google.com/search?q=MAF+cleaner&hl=en&safe=active&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&prmd=ivns&source=univ&tbs=shop:1&tbo=u&ei=wz8iTZ-8CcL-8AaXjKnlDQ&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CCgQzAMwAA)CRC MAF cleaner....damn

January 3rd, 2011, 21:34
O2 sensors usually get swapped out around 80K to 100K but will usually throw a code when bad. MAF's start to fade after a while but don't throw a code until they reach a certain point. Mine were a little different on the flow readings left to right and when I replaced them at 60K they are almost spot on and read a little higher flow which leads me to believe the FI will be giving more fuel and I will be making more power. There was a noticeable feeling of performance increase after I swapped them.

Hy Octane
January 3rd, 2011, 21:40
My 94 S4 has the original MAF in it. 125k miles/16 years..runs great.
It also has the original transmission, gas tank, differentials and cv joints..
Unlike my RS6...

January 3rd, 2011, 22:36
My car just passed 70k and my coolant temp sensor is wasted. No codes, just all of a sudden goes to zero. No rhyme or reason, just happens and then sometimes comes back. Some days I drive it, it's fine., other days, nothing, never comes up. This must affect performance, no?

January 3rd, 2011, 22:44
Those cooland temp sensors are only about $15~$18 at least, and fairly easy to install although you have to remove the intake manifold which is a PIA. Hy Octane, I had a '95 S6 with I.A. stage IV software, full RS2 manifolts with a Garrett ball bearing Turbo. Ran fast and I loved that car but was wrecked a looser with no insurance decided to cross lanes on a icy road and hit me head-on. The airbags worked as advertised and I walked away from it but the looser in his Isuzu Rodeo went to the hospital.

January 3rd, 2011, 22:53
Those cooland temp sensors are only about $15~$18 at least, and fairly easy to install although you have to remove the intake manifold which is a PIA. Hy Octane, I had a '95 S6 with I.A. stage IV software, full RS2 manifolts with a Garrett ball bearing Turbo. Ran fast and I loved that car but was wrecked a looser with no insurance decided to cross lanes on a icy road and hit me head-on. The airbags worked as advertised and I walked away from it but the looser in his Isuzu Rodeo went to the hospital.

Remove the "INTAKE or the AIRBOX? I have the sensor and it seems I can just sneak down behind the engine (with the airbox off) and get to it? I plan on doing the N75 while I am back there too...

January 3rd, 2011, 23:03
Remove the "INTAKE or the AIRBOX? I have the sensor and it seems I can just sneak down behind the engine (with the airbox off) and get to it? I plan on doing the N75 while I am back there too...
Ya, just the airbox. Did you get a replacement O-ring as well? Tip of the day. Apply a large hemostat to the coolant hose from the reservoir to the engine, remove reservoir cap and release pressure, replace coolant cap, then release hemostat. This creates suction to the reservoir and you will not loose a drop of coolant while changing the temp sensor.

January 3rd, 2011, 23:13
Phew!!! Great, thanks for the "Tip of the Day". I actually put the car downstairs tonight and might give it a go tomorrow sometime. Yes, I have a new O-ring AND the clip...as I do have big hands and tend to have the "dropsies"...

January 4th, 2011, 00:26
You mean a roach clip device?

Ya, just the airbox. Did you get a replacement O-ring as well? Tip of the day. Apply a large hemostat to the coolant hose from the reservoir to the engine, remove reservoir cap and release pressure, replace coolant cap, then release hemostat. This creates suction to the reservoir and you will not loose a drop of coolant while changing the temp sensor.

January 4th, 2011, 01:07
I have used the CRC MAF cleaner on mine. Sprayed just a little. It was 10k miles ago and no problems. I had no problems to begin with, but with the airbox off, and a can on cleaner on hand, I decided to use it.

January 4th, 2011, 01:29
I honestly drenched mine, with at least 10-12 sprays each. I sadly thought no problem given that I have done this before on my domestic MAF. Seriously I know sensors fail, it's been a domino effect.

January 4th, 2011, 01:34
You mean a roach clip device?

Wrong forum there Spicoli...

I have used the CRC MAF cleaner on mine. Sprayed just a little. It was 10k miles ago and no problems. I had no problems to begin with, but with the airbox off, and a can on cleaner on hand, I decided to use it.

Yup CRC MAF cleaner is about the only thing that doesn't leave a residue, which is the cause in the first place.

January 4th, 2011, 02:40
Oh sorry

Just trying to clarify what a "hemostat" device really is. In some circles it is also used as a roach clip but you can answer for Pat.

Wrong forum there Spicoli...

January 4th, 2011, 03:06
You mean a roach clip device?
It would have to be a pretty big "roach".

January 4th, 2011, 05:32
My mistake but I was already corrected about it NOT being the intake manifold but just the air cleaner assembly/airbox. Those are nice big Hemostats, I want to come & party with you.