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View Full Version : Day-time running lights?

November 23rd, 2009, 18:56

Does anyone know how to turn on the day-time running lights? It's a requirement for Canada...

I think the VAG System can program the fogs to come on with ignition.


November 23rd, 2009, 23:56
search is your friend, Tim, had a little blurb about it when he got his RS6, though if I recall correctly, it requires a bit more than just fiddling with VAGCOM....

BTW, Tim's name on the boards if bigglezworth, might be helpful to send him a PM if you can't dig up the original post through search. Cheers!

November 24th, 2009, 02:32
I tried the search & spoke with Tim & Bill from up North.

Tim got around this issue by hard-wiring the fogs to go with ignition via a jumper wire... He also suggested that this was likely 'doable' via the VAG, but he didn't go down that path.

I'll keep searching and thanks for any guidance!


November 24th, 2009, 03:42
I have some PDFs that show wiring for daytime running lights on US and Canada spec drawings. What's odd is there is a different scheme for making them work in the US and Canada. Drop me a PM with your email address as these files are too large to post.

November 24th, 2009, 18:09
I tried the VAGCOM but only managed to change odometer from miles to kilometers, so I used Tim's mod