View Full Version : Very nice demonstration for K&N Air Filter

March 16th, 2009, 17:50

I think they are great filters. I'm using them already.

Hy Octane
March 16th, 2009, 18:45
Wasnt there some concern about these things and the oil you use to trap particles with>/ Seem to remember some reporting problems with the oil seeping into the MAF's and causing them to fail.. Has this been rectified?

March 16th, 2009, 19:06
Wasnt there some concern about these things and the oil you use to trap particles with>/ Seem to remember some reporting problems with the oil seeping into the MAF's and causing them to fail.. Has this been rectified?

wow,, never heard about that issue before!! I just did cleaning them now and waiting them to dry then will oil them. Now I believe i should take care while oiling them,, no too much,, not little. :doh:

March 16th, 2009, 19:08
If your going to use these. Please let them sit out overnight and fully dry.

wow,, never heard about that issue before!! I just did cleaning them now and waiting them to dry then will oil them. Now I believe i should take care while oiling them,, no too much,, not little. :doh:

March 16th, 2009, 19:35
If your going to use these. Please let them sit out overnight and fully dry.

Thanks a lot for ur advice,, that is what I'm planning to do and will oil them tomorrow morning and fix them.

March 16th, 2009, 19:36
I think our 2 hairdryers do a fine job of sucking as much air as they need. I also think the stock filters do a better job of filtering the debris out of the air. I dont want to rebuild the 4.2 after 100k due to excessive blowby.

Thats me, I have used these filters on a couple of other cars where I had to make huge changes in intake path because I literally doubled the hp output of the stock config. In that instance....I used these filters in a complete overhaul of the intake path and size.


I think they are great filters. I'm using them already.

March 16th, 2009, 20:12
I think our 2 hairdryers do a fine job of sucking as much air as they need. I also think the stock filters do a better job of filtering the debris out of the air. I dont want to rebuild the 4.2 after 100k due to excessive blowby.

Thats me, I have used these filters on a couple of other cars where I had to make huge changes in intake path because I literally doubled the hp output of the stock config. In that instance....I used these filters in a complete overhaul of the intake path and size.

Do you really recommend the stock filters??? I always believe in stock items but I heard a lot of positive feedback about these K&N filters.
Do you still recommend to go back to stock filters?

March 16th, 2009, 21:08
I do think stock filter is best on this RS6. But thats just me....I know your car has upgraded ECU and is putting down more power. Just take under advisement and make your best decision. Like I have said....I have run K/N filters in the past on other vehicles.

Do you really recommend the stock filters??? I always believe in stock items but I heard a lot of positive feedback about these K&N filters.
Do you still recommend to go back to stock filters?

March 16th, 2009, 21:15
yeah ,, you right, I have my car done by ABT and its rated with 510BHP with stock air filters. I guess its better to back to stock. I feel more safe with them, I don't care about the little increase of HP gained by using K&N. I care more about the engine health.

March 16th, 2009, 21:38
I think a good choice to run stock air filters. They filter the debris out better than K/N.

That said, if you ever do use the K/N....I was talking about oiling the K/N filters then leaving them sit out to dry overnight. Taking as much oil off the filter before install is the best. There are issues with MAF getting oil on the sensor.

yeah ,, you right, I have my car done by ABT and its rated with 510BHP with stock air filters. I guess its better to back to stock. I feel more safe with them, I don't care about the little increase of HP gained by using K&N. I care more about the engine health.

March 17th, 2009, 01:18
I think a good choice to run stock air filters. They filter the debris out better than K/N.
There are issues with MAF getting oil on the sensor.

I bought the K&Ns a while back, but never installed them on our Audis due to the MAF sensor contamination issues discussed on this and multiple forums, as well as some advice from an aftermarket audi mechanic/friend. Paper is just as good (if not better), cheaper (it takes a long time to break even since the paperfilters are so cheap), and no MAF sensor issues. I've heard from firsthand sources that even right out of the wrapper, there may be too much oil on them. Remember, it doesn't take many aerosolized droplets to foul the sensors, and the biturbo 4.2 sucks in A LOT of air. Change them (MAF sensors) once and you've just blown any money you would have potentially saved (plus time, headache, etc.) by going with reusable filters.
I admit to using them on other vehicles, but I wouldn't on my RS6. You will never notice the (relatively) miniscule HP gain on a 500+ HP motor. I'm sure it'd be less than 5% on your car, and that's being generous.
I know it can get dusty over there. Just go with the OEM Mahle paper filters, and change them twice as often! Anyway, my .02. Caviat emptor.

March 17th, 2009, 03:18
Many thanks for all of you,, I've made a decision now to go back for the stock filters. I will buy them tomorrow.

March 17th, 2009, 18:06

Long time no talk- hope all is well on your end of the world. I may be traveling through your neck of the woods shortly; will be in touch if and when that happens!

I concur with Dhall that the stock air filters are better suited for your application; for one reason only- DUST. UAE's dry/dusty climate put's any air filter to the test! I imagine you go through stock filters often, which may have been why you decided on the serviceable K&N filter in the first place. Though stock air filters are of a much cheaper build quality, their paper filters are more dense than the cotton gauze used in K&N's, and therefore trap slightly more dirt/contaminants. What they give up in air flow is made up in filtration; thereby making them the only choice for a vehicle used in UAE.

Here is a link to a very interesting thread for some additional info: http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/airfilter/airtest3.htm

Personally, I use the K&N in my RS6 due to it's "very good" (not quite "excellent") filtration qualities, excellent flow rate, and the fact that it's re-usable after a 15 minute cleaning- as a rule of thumb, I clean and oil my filters after each oil change (~6k miles). San Diego's climate (though dry), is not overwhelming for the filter as I've found them to be surprisingly clean after 6k miles of use.
You will be disappointed if you purchase a K&N for increased fuel mileage or performance. If my mpg has increased since using K&N, I've not noticed (and I monitor the car's computer closely- just for the fun of it!). Short of a dyno, you also see no gain in performance. Probably ~5-7hp/tq absolute best case scenario, but this is a guess- I've yet to dyno my RS6.

Hope this info/experience helps..


March 17th, 2009, 19:36

Long time no talk- hope all is well on your end of the world. I may be traveling through your neck of the woods shortly; will be in touch if and when that happens!

I concur with Dhall that the stock air filters are better suited for your application; for one reason only- DUST. UAE's dry/dusty climate put's any air filter to the test! I imagine you go through stock filters often, which may have been why you decided on the serviceable K&N filter in the first place. Though stock air filters are of a much cheaper build quality, their paper filters are more dense than the cotton gauze used in K&N's, and therefore trap slightly more dirt/contaminants. What they give up in air flow is made up in filtration; thereby making them the only choice for a vehicle used in UAE.

Here is a link to a very interesting thread for some additional info: http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/airfilter/airtest3.htm

Personally, I use the K&N in my RS6 due to it's "very good" (not quite "excellent") filtration qualities, excellent flow rate, and the fact that it's re-usable after a 15 minute cleaning- as a rule of thumb, I clean and oil my filters after each oil change (~6k miles). San Diego's climate (though dry), is not overwhelming for the filter as I've found them to be surprisingly clean after 6k miles of use.
You will be disappointed if you purchase a K&N for increased fuel mileage or performance. If my mpg has increased since using K&N, I've not noticed (and I monitor the car's computer closely- just for the fun of it!). Short of a dyno, you also see no gain in performance. Probably ~5-7hp/tq absolute best case scenario, but this is a guess- I've yet to dyno my RS6.

Hope this info/experience helps..


Hello Ross, Thanks a lot for your adivse, you are right. The climate here in UAE sometimes is very dusty, and specially today was like a sand storm,, so I was lucky that I bought a pair of stock air filter first thing morning :) ,, I dediced to go back for the stock ones and keep my :rs6kiss: clean & healthy ,, thanks again all for your help & support.

That is great to see you here buddy, Just let me know when u will come, anytime you most welcome here. Let me know if you need any help from my side here. :)