View Full Version : Misano Red RS6 in USA (many pics)

August 5th, 2003, 22:17
I know a few people are a bit afraid of ordering the misano red.

Here's a few pics to help you out. (you can also buy the car should it please you ;) )

Misano Red RS6 Saloon (http://www.carad.com/status/showroomViewVehicle.cfm?listing=769202)

More pictures (http://www.carad.com/eBaymotors/viewPhotos.cfm?listing=769202&template=48)


Note the lazy sales people in the background :hihi:


August 5th, 2003, 22:52
:cheers: Erik

You really know how to taunt a guy, you know!!!! :p :p :p

Here I am, waiting patiently for that exact beast to arrive (somewhere supposedly between Houston and Chicago on the lory) and you start posting those pic's. What a finish on that car! :bigeyes: :bigeyes:

I don't know how much longer the old heart can take this anxiety and taunting LOL LOL :D :D :D

Thanks man

:addict: FEVR :addict:

August 6th, 2003, 01:30
Patience, FEVR. We'll get through this together...

Makes one wonder, though, how many of these "suddenly available" RS6s were speculative orders from greedy dealers expecting over MSRP walk-ins. Not getting them, fabricating stories about cold feet of "customers" -- just looks suspicious to me. We have seen, what, about 6 on RS6.com/forum?


August 6th, 2003, 02:59
:cheers: Gofast

Thanks for the counsel! :) :) :)

You're absolutely correct, we will get through this too. I've survived much worse in my young 55 years!!! Good to have some perspective against this longest wait for a car in my entire life period.

I don't know about your dealer, but mine said right from the start that they'd deal MSRP, at least with me. It is very interesting that the U.S. audi dealerships are winding up with non spoken for vehicles. Further, our U.S. market was expected to be 1200 units max and the rest of the world 8k. If our market is this slack, knowing that the rest of the world economy is worse in most cases than our own, they, VAG could wind up with quite a few available RS6's.

Things that make you go hmmmmmm

:addict: FEVR :addict: