View Full Version : NISSAN GT-R vs REAL LIFE?!?!?!

November 23rd, 2008, 09:18
Drivers Republic GT2 v GTR around the Nurburgring


GT2 - 7:49
GTR - 7:55.9

"so we left the Ring on the close of the second day, the GT2 was the daddy"

“Given the times we set were both some-way off the manufacturers’ claims, how do we feel about those claims? Well, Walter’s time is 17-seconds faster than this, and having experienced the GT2 at full-afterburner, I have no doubt that the car will achieve that time. I could show you where I’ve lost five seconds on just a handful of sections.

“could the Nissan really go 27-seconds faster? I just don’t know…but I just don’t see where another 27-seconds comes from with the car I drove. I felt that I came much closer to extracting the maximum performance of the Nissan on this single-flying-lap challenge than I did the Porsche.

“But be in no doubt, when we left the Ring on the close of the second day, the GT2 was the daddy. We did the times and the Porsche won.”

infos + videos :hihi:



and What about this now?


November 23rd, 2008, 09:47
Well, if these are the facts then it makes a lot more sense then what we were getting before. Still a quick time for that much weight I believe - and the suspension I think is a tad stiff for the ring.

This test was on a wet track correct? This should give the GTR an advantage; and I don't think the Cup tires on the GT2 are what you should put trust in on a wet track.

However, the tone I pickup from your post is that you feel the GTR doesn't deserve to be on the same track as the GT2... well the GTR performed well on a wet track in its price range so I don't think the "take that nissan" attitude is really fair. The only thing I would express is disappointment with Nissan for leading people on - if this test is credible - which I believe it is.

Also, I think the GTR has been comparable to at least the Turbo(tests conducted on tracks other than the Ring) in other publications. But, I don't know if those tests could have been done with "press" cars, or cars loaned by an owner. Do you?


November 23rd, 2008, 13:31
In the majority of corners the GTR is the quicker of the two cars, so in outright grip Nissan have succeeded in their task of building one of the best handling cars in the world. But this alone can't make up for it's deficiency in outright grunt and there is a hell of a lot of long fast straights for the GT2 to pull out it's lead.

But why did Driver Republic test the GTR against the GT2 and not it's true rival, the Turbo. Also why the Bridgestones and not the Dunlops, this would have had a major effect on the overall time and feel of how the GTR felt when driven at the limit.

Either way, this is a very damding result against Nissan's claimed 7:29 lap as a fake.

November 23rd, 2008, 14:24
So they were 17s slower than Sport Auto with the GT2 and 5 seconds slower than them with the GTR. Sport Auto tested the 2 cars on separate days and found an 18 second difference. All this proves is that some people drive certain car configurations better than others. Anyone whose ever driven a turbocharged car will also tell you that it's faster some days than it is others.

What the discrepancy between the DR and Sport Auto GT2 times does in fact demonstrate is that DR weren't familiar with the corners and so did most of their work on the straights, hence why the GT2 was faster.

There is a £150k European car that's better on the track than the GTR but sadly it's made by Lamborghini, not Porsche.


November 23rd, 2008, 15:08
Yes, I'm not surprised a car costing twice as much, 50 more hp and owned and prepped by Porsche cars Great Britain can beat a stock, privately owned GT-R on the OEM's slower tires. It's a strange way to test a car or determine a track time, put it agaist another car on a cold, wet track with the wrong tires and a person unfamiliar with the driving characteristics of the GT-R, don't do any consecutive laps but just compare speeds on the turns and straights to figure out what the total time MIGHT with a GT-R experienced driver on the right tires in the dry. But there is one thing you failed to quote
"unlike the Porsche time we have video evidence of Toshio Suzuki setting the 7:29:06 lap and he is super committed"

Also, there is video evidence of Suzuki driving on a partially wet track and he does 7:38, which is more comparable to this "test", just 17 seconds off the time. This article was entertaining but has little real world evidence of what either cars could do under optimal conditions.

Yes I'm biased because I do have a GT-R, but I never considered a GT-2. I did however look at the 911 turbo and felt it was over priced. My next car will be the R8 and who cares about lap times in that, it gets by on looks alone:)