View Full Version : 2009 Nissan GT-R: Is the GT-R's Transmission Really a Problem?

November 14th, 2008, 01:45

There's a considerable amount of internet chatter going on these days regarding the GT-R's durability. We've had our fair share of problems, but none of the issues have left us stranded - and that includes the transaxle that was replaced. It had a leaky seal that Nissan wanted to inspect more closely, but it never refused to work right.

That's noteworthy as most of the chat room bickering involves the transmission. We don't doubt other owners have had problems, but our experience has been considerably different.

For one, we bought the car at a dealership like everybody else and we never had to sign a waiver that said the warranty would be voided if we used the launch control system. If anybody else has, we would love to see it.

Since that time, we've track tested our GT-R twice, used launch control numerous times and ran it hard on the Streets of Willow road course during our GT-R versus ZR1 comparison test. The VDC was off and nothing broke. And this was on a car with over 11,000 miles on it, 5,000 of those miles since the new transaxle was installed. Drove it home last night and the car felt fine.

Again, we're not saying the GT-R doesn't have its problems, but when someone says they barely ever used launch control and suddenly their transmission imploded, you wonder if there's more to the story. We would be glad to hear them if people really want to vent, but for now we'll just keep driving our GT-R as hard as ever - "delicate" transmission and all.

Ed Hellwig, Senior Editor @ 12,171 miles

November 14th, 2008, 06:21

There's a considerable amount of internet chatter going on these days regarding the GT-R's durability. We've had our fair share of problems, but none of the issues have left us stranded - and that includes the transaxle that was replaced. It had a leaky seal that Nissan wanted to inspect more closely, but it never refused to work right.

That's noteworthy as most of the chat room bickering involves the transmission. We don't doubt other owners have had problems, but our experience has been considerably different.

For one, we bought the car at a dealership like everybody else and we never had to sign a waiver that said the warranty would be voided if we used the launch control system. If anybody else has, we would love to see it.

Since that time, we've track tested our GT-R twice, used launch control numerous times and ran it hard on the Streets of Willow road course during our GT-R versus ZR1 comparison test. The VDC was off and nothing broke. And this was on a car with over 11,000 miles on it, 5,000 of those miles since the new transaxle was installed. Drove it home last night and the car felt fine.

Again, we're not saying the GT-R doesn't have its problems, but when someone says they barely ever used launch control and suddenly their transmission imploded, you wonder if there's more to the story. We would be glad to hear them if people really want to vent, but for now we'll just keep driving our GT-R as hard as ever - "delicate" transmission and all.

Ed Hellwig, Senior Editor @ 12,171 miles
Ok!It whould be fine to send it to the man who has warranty issues with GTR gearbox...He will like it.

November 14th, 2008, 13:07
The dismissive tone of this Edmunds article with discriptions like "chat room bickering" isn't very objective.

Having the transaxle replaced (which is the entire gearbox/diff assembly, according to my automotive vocabulairy, and would include the centre diff on the AWD GT-R) is exactly what happened to the man with the voided warrenty, and seems a very extreme action for a leaky seal. I've never even had to have a clutch replaced on any of my cars. And one had 360 000 km when I sold it.

The writer should be a lawyer or in politics. He admits to a "fair share of problems", including having the transaxle replaced. Then he tells a story about a day he drove the car and it didn't break, so in conclusion we should not believe someone complaning about a voided warrenty and a $20k bill for a new gearbox. Wouldn't a journalist contact the person instead of suggesting the public should "question anyone who...". He's the journalist, he should be questioning. It's not my job as a reader to hypothetically question the motives of a vague character in his article. I think that's what they call a straw man argument.

You'd think that a large publication like that wouldn't take sides. Ethically speaking. Especially when they have such a thin counter argument. These internet magazines are entirely funded by the companies whos products they review.

Nissan marketed this car as a high tech super car beater. They even organise track days at the Nordschleife for people on the waiting list. They launched the car on the Gran Tourismo race simulator.
Its performance is Nissans' pitch, that's why people buy the car, so they should get a package that can handle the abuse.

November 14th, 2008, 13:57
edmunds is generally considered a joke. and they are desperate to suck some nissan d**k to get favorable treatment from them and many other car co.'s as a legitimate publication (which i do not think it is).......

i wish RS6.com managed to get some press credentials so we could do our own tests. (erik?)

November 14th, 2008, 15:27
edmunds is generally considered a joke. and they are desperate to suck some nissan d**k to get favorable treatment from them and many other car co.'s as a legitimate publication (which i do not think it is).......

i wish RS6.com managed to get some press credentials so we could do our own tests. (erik?)

HEHEH wow. Edmunds

November 14th, 2008, 15:32

"revised GTR series II" for 2009.5 MY. i think it'll push over 90K USD by the time they are done with it.... for MY 2010.

November 14th, 2008, 19:38
Somes figures from a test in Autocar:



November 16th, 2008, 01:35
Those figures arent really fair considering they used a japanese model with the 112mph limiter

November 16th, 2008, 01:36
But the GTR gearbox is a problem and I have no idea what the fuck Edmunds is trying to pull with that.

November 16th, 2008, 07:31
But the GTR gearbox is a problem and I have no idea what the fuck Edmunds is trying to pull with that.

Money perhaps from Nissan !Something better than advertisement.

November 16th, 2008, 11:29
Porsche is generally considered a joke.

November 17th, 2008, 11:37


At least a Porsches' body pannels aren't outsourced to the tupperware people.

Porsche can ask a lot of money for their cars. They'd be stupid not to. They're not running a charity.
But people do not generally consider it a joke. Why can't GM ask that much for a Corvette? You think Corvette would've survived 50 years as an independent company? You think it's outside Porsches' capability to build something cheap and fast, if they wanted to?

It's not hard being the fastest and the cheapest if you're backed up by a huge corporation, and you're willing to make a loss just to win the numbers game.

M3 owner
November 23rd, 2008, 08:17
2010 Nissan GT-R Loses Launch Control,I wonder why ?:vhmmm:


November 23rd, 2008, 12:45

Porsche can ask a lot of money for their cars. They'd be stupid not to. They're not running a charity.
They are, but Sssshhhh, don't tell the customers.

But people do not generally consider it a joke. Why can't GM ask that much for a Corvette? You think Corvette would've survived 50 years as an independent company? You think it's outside Porsches' capability to build something cheap and fast, if they wanted to?

It's not hard being the fastest and the cheapest if you're backed up by a huge corporation, and you're willing to make a loss just to win the numbers game.
People pay £Xm for numberplates. It's because they're retarded, not because a plate with numbers on is worth £Xm. Hope this helps explain things.

I suspect the inherently flawed 911 design will be re-hashed as a disguised R8 in the near future.

November 24th, 2008, 11:30
People pay £Xm for numberplates. It's because they're retarded, not because a plate with numbers on is worth £Xm. Hope this helps explain things.

:vhmmm: How did we get from a discussion about gearbox problems to the price of numberplates.

I have a personalised numberplate, does that make me retarded. :confused: