View Full Version : 550 Maranello kill (well, . . injury?) story

October 4th, 2008, 13:35
So I'm minding my own business cruising down the freeway yesterday on a nice cool morning, notice my dream car (550 Maranello, dark blue with natural leather, beautiful) approaching from behind. Not sure in hindsight he even knew what I was. He zips right through traffic and jumps on it for a while. I'm feeling frisky so I decide to play and get behind him. He hits the hammer and I stay glued to his bumper and he backs off. After a few more short bursts (70-100'ish) like this I pass on the right to prepare to make my exit and give a friendly wave. Prick doesn't even acknowledge my existence.

He ends up taking the same exit and turning the same way. Now we're in low end torque territory. Same thing - a few short bursts and I stick right with him. Now I'm really enjoying myself because I know Mr. middle-aged, gold chained, hairy chested (seriously, he was) Ferrari-man was getting annoyed that his toy was being embarrassed by a stinkin' sedan. He finally starts to turn in to some exotic-car detailing lot so I pull up to his side and give him a tap on the horn, he looks away. Hah. What fun! I gotta get a chip. Now THAT would have been fun.:addict:

October 4th, 2008, 15:03
Nice job on the race.:thumb: That's some heavy competition. But I would expect that outcome considering the upgrades to your car. isn't it?

October 4th, 2008, 17:12
hahaha, nice!

October 5th, 2008, 02:17
That is absolutely fabulous!!!

Nothing like dicking w/a dick, eh?

October 8th, 2008, 07:18
I read on vehix.com that the '03 RS6 had equal accelleration times (stock) as the (stock) Corvette the same year. So considering the rolling start (avioding the standing start weakness of our heavy cars), my guess is that it would have taken some tight turns or accelerating upwards of 130-140mph to get the cars separated.