View Full Version : GT-R review from a "different" perspective...

April 25th, 2008, 17:05
Was this guy trying to be funny, witty, lame all at once? Read for yourself...


I didn't realize that the GT-R is 10 inches longer than a Vette and quite heavy... Interesting 0-60 numbers....
One can only think there is a ton of windtunnel testing going on...

April 25th, 2008, 20:19
I didn't realize that the GT-R is 10 inches longer than a Vette and quite heavy...


Why does that suprise you? A Corvette is two inches shorter than a Honda Civic (174.6" vs 176.7"). Last I checked, Civics aren't all that huge. Plus the GT-R has two rear seats.:cheers:


April 25th, 2008, 20:26
I stopped reading part way. The guy is at a loss for facts, is completely stupid and has probably never driven a GTR, or a Porsche in his life. Since when was 7:38 only 2s off the Nurburgring production car lap record? Then there's my favourite piece:

No matter how wrong you get your line or how bad you fumble your braking, simply turn the wheel where you want to go and mat the throttle. In an instant, the computers and AWD riddle out a solution and off you go.
Yeah, sure. I hope nobody listens to this fool or people will die.