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View Full Version : Only The Brave Ones May Enter!!!

September 15th, 2007, 09:43
Hello .
Today I am about to tell you 2 scary stories, Are you ready?

I went out with my friend last night I went out with my 3 friends of mine,
one of them studies priesthood it's a part of the Old Testament that not many people study in Judaism, we started talking about the pera normal and he told us 2 stories:

A guy once went up the street , it was arround 6 PM so it wasn't late.
when An old woman dressed all in black asked him what time it is.
He didn't answer ,he just kept walking, he went back home and went to bed.
The next morning he woke up with plenty of scratches on his face, he didn't notice that, he didn't even fell that, He just went out, and came a cross a rabbi.
Of curse the first thing they talked about was the scratches on the guy's face.
They tried to figguer out how did it happen.
The guy mentioned the old woman.
The rabbi told him that this was no old woman, it was the angle of death, and if you answer him, He kills you!!

Ok that was just a stupid story but the next one whether it's real or not, if you're
brave enough, check it out your self.

So do you really think you (and your family) are alone in your house?
It is said that "pests" are going all across your house they are everywhere.
But I'm not talking about those annoying bugs that you kill with your shoe.
No, I am talking about a type of ghosts of long gone people that walk arround your home, they do what ever they please, SO it's all up to the kindness of the gohst in your house.
Accrding to the bible, If you scatter flour in your room, you'll see footprints of chicken, that's them.

(This stroy unlike the other one, is from Bible so think twince before you disbelieve it. )

One reported story is about a freind of a friend of mine, has tried to scatter flour
And he did find the footprints, So he went to talked to a rabbi , he told him to put
a knife under his pillow, SO he went back home.
Near his entrence to the house there was a rottweiler wating.
HE looked at the rottweiler, the rottweiler looked at him.
The guy went home and agin scattered flour, and put the knife under his pillow.
The next morning he woke and saw the dog dead with the knife in his throat,
with the chicken footprints lead up to his bed and to the dog.

So are you brave enough to check it out? just scatter flour in your room and find out...
And be sure to take pictures if you do .

September 15th, 2007, 19:47
mmm....come on LamboM...you don't really spects us to believe in those things do you? It would be much much more interesting if those things happened to you though ;).

So yesterday I was at the GFs house wich is a moderatly old appartment, her father past away in it...anyways, she went out to buy me some food(cool huh? I hear when you get married things change though) aaaaaaaand I started hearing some wood cracking noises, her dog was sort of whining and barking...I didn't freaked out at the time. LAter on when we were going to turn off the tv and sleep...same thing happens only this time she said "Ho, yeah...ghosts..."

September 16th, 2007, 10:41
Your not trying to sell us vacuum cleaners are you ??

September 18th, 2007, 23:13
Your not trying to sell us vacuum cleaners are you ??

No whay would I do that?
I was tring to sell you a broomstick! :p

And no it was just for fun , My God You People Are Heavy! :noshake:

September 21st, 2007, 14:07
Grrrr..... :vgrumpy:

September 21st, 2007, 14:14
LamboM, I think you're on the wrong type of forum...

September 21st, 2007, 15:17
I am in a petrolhead's forum ain't I?
Well I am a petrolhead myself, as you propebly know after 200+ posts of mine.
But life is a little bit more than cars you know.
I'm tring to open some fun topics in here , not everything has to be so serious.
Lighten up a little bit, just a little bit.
Is that too much to ask?