View Full Version : Should I own an RS6?

April 29th, 2007, 10:04
Hello Everyone. This is my first post on this site and I hope to enjoy the forum for years to come. I've already scanned all nine pages of posts on this sub-forum and read about 50. Nevertheless, I still have some questions and would love to have you reply to this message with whatever comments you have.

I'm currently considering an RS6 after wanting (going backward) a BMW 335i, BMW E39 M5, '88 BMW M5, Porsche Boxster S, Factory 5 MkIII, and an Alfa GTV.

I've considered and discarded so many vehicles because of the requirements of my size (I'm 6'8" tall), those of my lifestyle (it will be my daily driver) and those of my wife (who proclaimed that my car must have 4 doors for the kids we were expecting).

So as you can tell, my budget has gone up with each new consideration, which is the reason I still have no car and am still driving my '95 Bronco (the baddest-ass SUV one can own, just ask Ted Nugent).

Other than an RS6, a 2003 E55 is still in the running. I haven't driven either, but know from research that both have the power to weight ratio that I'm looking for. So between them, it may end up being about headroom and comfort. Is there anyone else on this site taller than 6-foot-5 who can share a tall perspective?

Obviously, the RS6 will be better suited to Utah winters, is cooler looking, and is better in the curves than the E55. But I wonder, how reliable is an RS6's Twin Turbo as a daily driver? M-B has a pretty good track record. And can anyone guess how many miles I could expect out of an RS6 drivetrain if well maintained? I am the original owner of my '95 and the engine is still ballsy with 220,000 miles and no rebuild. My intention would be to pay cash for the RS6 and own it for 10+ years like the Bronc'.

I'm putting my budget at $50K certified or $45K for a non-certified car. With a solar sunroof and rear window shades, will a black interior stay cool enough in 100-degree desert heat? or be unbearable? I'm hoping someone from Texas or Arizona will let me know since my guess is that the alternative light interior will not look any good 10 years down the road. Or, were there any other interior options offered? I haven't seen any.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you all. Flame me or help me. Let me know if I'm crazy, or on track. Does anyone else drive an RS6 every day? If I were to drive 15K miles per year, what should I expect my maintenance costs to be? How much could an average shadetree mechanic save in labor (doing simple things like oil and brake changes)?

I hope that you'll say that my search for the right car has ended and that by July I will be joining your club of owners. At the same time, if this isn't the right car to have as a long-term daily driver, please let me know.

Thanks so much! :trash:

April 29th, 2007, 14:41
Daily driver here and love it. Solar sunroof helps (I'm in Tampa and have black interior). You can definitely get a low-mileage certified one within your budget - I have seem them listed as low as $43K. I recommend looking at markets outside of SLC (shipping is ~$2K absolute max, for a sealed container).

Other than DRC failure (very common), and a *few* reports of tranny or torque converter issues, I don't know of common failure points (I looked hard for info on this...but if others have different info, let's hear it). I have not read of one turbo failure, or major engine problem...again, if someone knows different, let's hear it. Tranny replacement is $12K so even if it's rare it's something to be aware of!

Major service on the RS6 is every 35K miles. I recently had it done, for about $2700, and in hindsight I could have saved $500+ by doing the easy stuff myself.

Many/most here say that CPO is the only way to go. After looking into it pretty thoroughly I decided not to, basically because I knew I wanted to chip the car (so tranny wouldn't be covered anyways) and the savings was significant at the time (around $10K). The potential replacement of the DRC (Stasis/Ohlin, or Bilstein) is around $2500-4500 installed.

I may be wrong, but from initial research I did (before settling on the RS6) I'm not so sure that E55 has a great track record on maintenance. Suggest you check into it thoroughly before going that route!

April 29th, 2007, 15:39
M-B has a pretty good track record.
Huh? 1st I've heard of any German car (Audi included) having a good track record.
Anyway, with all that aside, the fact that you are 6'8" poses the biggest problem for almost any sedan. I am 5'10" and have 2 child seats in the back of my A6 4.2L (same size as RS6) with my seat in the correct driving position, I cannot fit a rear facing baby seat behind me. This is difficult with almost any sedan. If you get lucky and space the kids out correctly, you can make it so that you never have a rear facing seat behind the driver, always the passenger. Forward facing seats are obviously fine unless you have a little kicker on your hands. The RS6 is probably the best combination of power, handling (quattro) and appearance in a 4 door package. There are others, but whatever you gain in one area, you lose in another. Check the space behind the drivers seat on several vehicles and see what you think.

Good Luck

April 29th, 2007, 16:04
im about 6'3" and my son who is the same hight as me fits in the car behind me. I have a A6 4.2 but its the same as an RS6 without turbos. Good Luck. BTW the E55 is the worst daily driver you can barley keep the car on the road. MB has a terrible track record as well. I have a Mercedes and it is def not as good as the Audi.

April 29th, 2007, 17:18
E class is poorly build. I know a guy who bought one, and just keeps it in the garage. He says he can't in good concious sell it on.

April 29th, 2007, 17:50
Also a daily driver - I have a 6'5" friend that has driven my RS6 comfortably. However another three inches may be too much, from leg room or head height. If you have not tried one on for "size" do so, particularly if you are going to keep it for 10+ years. I have light interior with solar sunroof and dark window tint that works well in southern California heat. The RS6 engine is fairly bullet proof from what I have read, but my guess is long term will see a lot of hose and perhaps wire harness issues due to the high heat in the engine compartment. I intend to keep mine for the long term as well. One other bit, you may want to "explain" to your wife, the repair
:mech: bills on the RS6 will pay for the 95 Bronco

April 29th, 2007, 19:40
lose the sunroof to give you more headroom. however, the seats do adjust every which way (including down). only 1 way to know though...

otherwise daily driver here, love the car.

May 1st, 2007, 06:12
My RS6 was great as daily driver. I had a dark interior and exterior and never had a problem with it being too hot in summer, but I am in coastal California and it was parked indoors at home and at work. You should avoid the "solar package" sunroof as it may give you less headroom, since you are tall.

Reliability of RS6 is fine for a German performance sedan, though I suspect that your '95 Bronco is more reliable. If you put lots of mileage on your cars, then an extended warranty (CPO or otherwise) is well worth the investment, since these cars can be expensive to fix if anything major goes wrong.

I looked carefully at the MB E55 and have friends with them. All of them have had issues, often problems with the exectrical system that required repeated trips to the dealer for repairs. Also, handling (especially in your winter climate) would suffer considerably by comparison with the Audi.

Height may be an issue for you, though I agree with previous posts that the RS6 or A6 offers lots of good seat adjustments and reasonable roominess. You said you are expecting kids. We had rear facing car seat, later replaced as our child grew into a standard car seat, in our RS6 and it was no problem. But it was also on the passenger side, so the driver's seat was not restricted. Forward facing, the child seat posted no problems. If you will have twins (i.e. two rear facing car seats at the same time), then one of them would be behind the driver and that could be a problem with the driver's seat, which then might not go all the way back. Of course, that would be a problem in any mid-size sedan. You might want to look at a new A8L in that case. Less sport and more luxury, and also a great car with tons of room. Or a Q7, if you really want an Audi and don't mind another SUV.

In short, RS6 probably offers all of the things you want with the least amount of compromise. No car is perfect; it's all about tradeoffs. But I recommend it highly based on my experience. And take the time to look for a good one that hasn't been abused or modified. Even if it costs you a few more bucks on the front end, you'll more than earn it back by longevity and reliability later.

Good luck.

got boost
May 1st, 2007, 13:18
I also shopped the E55. My opinion after driving both back to back on several occasions, stock for stock: RS6 handles better, brakes better (the E55 has that electronic braking that feels detached and makes electronic noises, I believed they fixed this with the new E63) The RS6 also feels stronger in higher rpms (turbos vs. supercharger) which I feel gives the RS6 better performance at highway cruising. The E55 does however shift better (again, in my opinion) no "hunting" and "manual" shifts are more manual. For looks, I like the interior of the E55 better, but I like the exterior of the RS6 better. My decision was based more on the rare-ness of the RS6 and it having quattro. The RS6 seems to me an all-around performer where as the E55 seems to be a luxury 0-60 German muscle car. And I agree with others here that there is always a compromise and I feel that both may have their own possible mechanical issues during ownership. The RS6 may be more difficult to support 10 years down the road with its rarity but everyone has an E55, LOL!
My suggestion would be to drive both back to back on the same road route. And by the way, I have a friend who is 6'7" he is not a car guy but the first thing he noticed when he got in the RS6 was how much room he had. My biased pick, the RS6!

Good Luck!

Also, if your future plans are to heavily mod the car then the E55 might be better, there are a ton of reliable tuning products from Kleemann, Renntech, Brabus, etc. that can give you some very serious power above and beyond the current offerings for the RS6.

May 1st, 2007, 16:19

All of the input so far is very good and I agree with it. Although mine isn't exactly a daily driver, it has @45K on it, so not exactly a trailer queen either. Like everyone else, I'd have to say 6'8" will be an issue with any car! Try to find an A6 2.7T or 4.2 to get a "feel" for the cockpit as they're the exact same layout.

For 15K miles a year, plan on setting aside $1500.00-$2500.00 for running costs (@$3500.00 total to include new tires every 15K as the Hi-Po tires don't last much over 15-20K). $2500.00 may sound high for yearly running costs, but then, that is only $210.00 a month, certainly far, far less than any new car payment with "free" included maintenance. And since you're paying cash, that would be all you'd need to budget. @$200 a month would be a fair deal for a car as nice as the RS 6.:thumb:

Your other cars you mentioned might cost slightly less but not much. The 335i is a fantastic car, but it is a little snug for me and I'm only 5'10", so there is no way I'd even consider it if I was nearly an entire foot taller! My uncle just picked one up (who is 6'1") and I can't even fit in the rear seat behind him!!! The E39 M5 would be a better fit than the 335i, but then, I feel the RS 6 has slightly better headroom (a major issue for you).

As for turbos, yes, Ben Bauer who is a member here did in fact have a blown turbo, and when those go bad, they must replace as a set (at least that is what the dealers convince us!!! ;) ) so budget big bucks for blown turbo, and as mentioned, a junked tranny.

Best of Luck,


May 1st, 2007, 17:13
Thanks for the replies. My mind is still set on the RS6. Can anyone confirm whether the solar sunroof is any deeper than a regular sunroof (taking away headroom)?

While maintenance cost is a concern, I am more worried about the availability of parts 10 years from now. If Audi is anything like Ford, when the customers' warranties expire, they stop making parts. So I really wish these cars weren't quite so rare or that they had more than one production year. :eye:

May 2nd, 2007, 04:34
I have the solar sunroof, and just by the looks of it I'd be surprised if the solar sunroof is more than a fraction of an inch 'deeper' than regular sunroof. I realize that could be a key fraction in your case :).

May 2nd, 2007, 07:30
6'7 here, and lovin the RS6! I have the standard sunroof, and like to sit upright, and no issues with headroom. Helmet on, I have to tilt back the seat a tad. Leg room is great as well. The RS6 fits me much better than my non sunroof S4 which I no longer own.

The one think I really appreciate about the RS6, I never get tired of the seats on any length drive, they're perfect! Almost all other cars, I am squirming after an hour or so to find comfort. RS6 is a great road car, my personal favorite!

May 3rd, 2007, 21:17

I am in SLC and have had mine for 4 months. Amazing in the winter with Blizzacks and obvously amazing with summers now. Friend with E55 won't/can't drive it in the winter. On anything but dry roads it is a nightmare.

If you want to check mine for size, just send me an e-mail...


May 6th, 2007, 08:00
If you want to check mine for size, just send me an e-mail...

I tried e-mailing you. Thanks for the offer. I would like to take up on that if you have the solar sunroof package. Some say it takes up an extra bit of headroom and I want to see if I can fit with it. Thanks!

May 23rd, 2007, 16:36
Quick Question so I can be sure... Are all RS6 original factory warranties expiring this year?

(I read on AoA's site that the factory warranties are 50,000 miles or 4 years whichever comes first.)

May 23rd, 2007, 20:51
Quick Question so I can be sure... Are all RS6 original factory warranties expiring this year?

(I read on AoA's site that the factory warranties are 50,000 miles or 4 years whichever comes first.)

Not necessarily. Some US cars were purchased new from dealers in early 2004, so their factory warranties should not expire until next year, assuming low enough mileage.

May 23rd, 2007, 21:06
March 2008 for me for factory warranty

May 24th, 2007, 02:30
Quick Question so I can be sure... Are all RS6 original factory warranties expiring this year?

(I read on AoA's site that the factory warranties are 50,000 miles or 4 years whichever comes first.)

the "in service" date on my RS6 is 7/2004, so I have full factory coverage until 7/2008, and CPO until 7/2010.