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View Full Version : R8 daily driver or poseur car

March 26th, 2007, 16:58
well, after having seen the car three times i have come to the conclusion that it will not be viable for daily driving to the office, the store, etc.... esp. here in orlando with all of the pick-ups and contractors running around. for two reasons:

1. the car is just too loud design wise. you have got to be kidding me. the attention this car will get will actually be a problem. god forbid you accidentally cut someone off or seem to be driving fast. the self proclaimed driving nazis out there, the bleeding heart, beige kia mini van, honda odyssey drivers with garfield dolls on the windows will come after you, not to mention those jealous pricks who are just looking for an excuse to stay in the left lane at 5 mph under the limit, etc....

2. even if (1) didn't apply the car is too damn wide. parking places will invite door dings.


that is ok. i'll be looking for an alter ego used 2002 ford f150 pick up with a bit of rust to use for a daily driver in a few months time. i think it will actually be kind of fun to have a non-descript, invisible ride that you'll care less about when rear-ended or dinged.

i highly recommed such consideration to all of my fellows in line for an R8.

if you're getting it to "pose" then disregard. :trash:

March 26th, 2007, 21:04
I agree with you.

It(R8) is more a looker then 997 turbo IMO.

So, I will also use something else as daily driver.

March 26th, 2007, 21:08

If I can use a CBR600RR for a "daily driver" you sure as heck can find a way to use the R8 for your "practical" transporter!:cheers:


March 26th, 2007, 21:45
I'm disgusted to find their isn't going to be a roof rack for the R8.

How the hell am I supposed to get all my rubbish down to the dump now ??

As for collecting oversize bits of wood from the DIY store...not a chance now.
Daily driver indeed :confused:


March 26th, 2007, 22:43
the car is just too loud design wise. you have got to be kidding me. the attention this car will get will actually be a problem.

Ha, ha. Very funny. You're kidding me, right? You're concerned the car looks too good?


March 26th, 2007, 22:57
Audi should offer a special package, R8 with A3 1.9 TDI for a special price together. :D

March 27th, 2007, 00:50
Another point RXBG,

With my RS 6, it used to be the main family car. I had a commuter (Accord, now CBR) but for all other driving it was :rs6kiss: . Then, wife got her own car, the Denali and with two kids and car seat, it ends up being to much of a hassle taking out the car seat from the Denali to put in the RS 6, going someplace, and then putting the car seat back in the Denali for the wifey. Long story short, the RS 6 doesn't see much active duty. Sad really...

So to spend $100K++++ on a car to just have it sit in your garage cause it's too "cool" for everyday useage is a crying shame.


March 27th, 2007, 01:19
if i were to buy an R8 i would DRIVE it, whats the point of having a garage queen?? Sure its 100k but thats how much an S8 or S550 is anyways and those are daily drivers. With quattro and probably pretty close gas mileage with the RS4 it sure can and will be a great daily driver. I hate when people buy cars and let them sit in the garage. I can find many places to dump 100k if i were only to buy a car to drive it on Sunday.

March 27th, 2007, 14:16
I agree it is more a poseur car. However, I would drive it extensively. I don't think it would see the mileage the RS6 does, but again, the others in the garage would cry too if not taken out occasionally.

March 27th, 2007, 18:40
oh, it's not that i don't WANT to drive it. but in the general area where i commute, and such, the main car is a base level pick up or civic or altima or any of a wide assortment of tauruses and camries, mixed with even more used, older cars and minivans. there is a an entry level c-class or 3 series here or there but anything more expensive than a 30K car is quite rare. that is the problem. as i dream about my car i feel as though i would be more comfortable driving it every day if i lived in the part of town where the average car is an E550. that would be different. so, based on that, and knowing that right now i am conjecturing quite a bit, i feel as though i will be compelled to not drive it every day despite myself. in reality we will see. but if any of you guys have seen it in person that is quite the Fing car. majorly. truly. it is out of this world.

March 27th, 2007, 19:29
Is it the actual commute or where you park it at your destination that is concerning you?
If its just the commute, then go right ahead use it as everyday transport. Its not gonna be a tempremental beast. There probably is no more usable supercar out there.
To hell with what all your commuting peers think. Do what YOU want to do.

Nice if you have the choice. :incar: