View Full Version : AUDI DRIVER magazines wanted

February 28th, 2007, 00:59
To all fellow Audiphiles.....please help me in adding to my magazine collection.

I would seriously like to get complete years of back issues. IF anyone is willing to

sell AUDI magz... I could use the 2004 and 2005 years. Others issues would be

of certain interest as well.

I don't have an AUDI RS6 YET... but sure ENJOY reading all the goodies about

them. I harldy get out much due to I am now my parents caregiver. My MOM

has Alzheimers. This week was the 1st time she didn't know who I was. What

a terrible feeling that was. My DAD is my real worry... he's had diabetes for over

45 yrs. and is almost completely blind, can barely walk, and a host of other probs

Obviously, I need a good distraction. I bike 10 to 20 miles everyday, but it is

NOT much of a way to relieve stress that is a daily factor.

I hope someone will make my day.

ANYHOW--don't forget your seatbelts and have a nice day.