View Full Version : RS6 for Sale - or the 200?

February 14th, 2007, 01:16
Silly question to some - I realize.
I have a '91 200 20v and the RS6 with some extra's.
The 200 has 163k miles on it and it was/is a great car. The car received everything it ever needed from the dealer and I even replaced the pitted headlamps in 2005 (to demostrate how anal I was/am). According to the sales guy, I spent $22k USD in just the last 2 1/2 years. Gave the car to an employee which did not work out and now it's just sitting. The brakes/rotors were just done again and I drove the car for the first time in a while and it is a very very good ride but obviously, not the RS6
So, here's my problem.
I don't want to sell it for less than $5k which I believe is a huge steal as it is. I haven't been trying very hard to sell it but, the dealership sales guy (self proclaimed well connected sort and guru) has no takers. I can't sell it for less than $5k and I challenge anyone to find a better car for far more.
I am thinking of selling the RS6 with 30k miles on it and keeping the 200 out of reason of practicality and sensibility. In a coulple or a few years, when the 200 has come to it's twilight, I would buy the latest and best in quattro.
This is about principle for the driveabilty and apparent little re-sell for the 200.

Thoughts welcomed because I am on the fence.

February 14th, 2007, 18:39
if its financially possible for you i would keep the RS6 as a Weekend/After Work car and the 200 to drive to work and for bad weather days.

February 15th, 2007, 04:22
keep the 200 as the garage queen (it clearly is), and the rs6 as a daily driver. then you drive the better car, enjoy it, and [don't have the opportunity to] use it's safety features in the manner in which they were intended.