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December 21st, 2006, 22:04
Man goes to the doctor and says "Doctor, I'm soar everywhere". Doctor asks the man to show him actually where it's soar. The man touches him tummy and cries "ah", then his head and again he cries "ah", then his leg again crying "ah" and finally his back where once again his cries "ah". Man looks at Doctor and says "I'm I dieing".

Doctor smiles and repeals "No, you have just a broken finger."

December 21st, 2006, 22:12
NASA sends a space ship to Mars crewed by to monkeys and a woman. After two days in to the mission, Houston radios the crew and asks Monkey 1 to stir the number 3 oxygen tank and switch to secondary systems..... Monkey 1 repeals "Rodger" and competes the task, then Houston radios again and asks Monkey 2 to fire number 2 engine for 12.8seconds while performing a 90 degree turn..... Monkey 2 repeals "Rodger" and competes his tasks.

After 20 minutes of waiting the woman radios Houston to see what tasks she is required to do. After a long pause Houston repeals "Feed the monkeys and don't touch a f#cking thing."

December 22nd, 2006, 07:04
a man was driving on the highway, he had to go badly, so he parcked his car on the side and did his buisness, then he looks down and say, See everytime you are in trouble I stand for u...

December 23rd, 2006, 14:02
Two guys get shipwrecked on a remote deserted island. As they're walking in the jungle to find shelter, they are captured by a savage, cannibalistic tribe. The men are marched into the center of the camp up to the chieftain. The chieftain looks at the first guy and says, "Death or RooRoo?" Well, the first guy not wanting to die says enthusiastically, "I'll take RooRoo."

Cheers erupt from the tribe. The first man is brought before all of the able bodied men in the tribe who proceed to anally rape him.

The chieftain then turns to the second guy and says, "Death or RooRoo?" Aghast at what RooRoo is, he quickly becomes defiant and says, "Death!" The chieftain looks at him and says, "Mmmm...good choice. But, first, a little RooRoo!"


January 23rd, 2007, 12:36
A Chicken and a Donkey were walking through a field one day when all of a sudden the Donkey falls into a hole. The chicken looks around not knowing what to do then remembers the BMW parked back at the farm. After 20 minutes she returned with a rope and pulled the Donkey out.

<O:pThe next day while walking the chicken falls into another hole. The chicken shouted up to the Donkey to go and get the BWM, at this the Donkey pulls out he’s dick and throws it down the hole, the Chicken grabs it and the Donkey pulls her out.

The moral of this story is ‘You don’t need a BMW to pull a chick if you have a big dick’. :hihi: