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View Full Version : Different RS 4 pics

April 15th, 2003, 22:02



April 16th, 2003, 10:51
Looks like someone has been playing around with a 3D-model program... I've seen what one can do with those programs, so I'm not so impressed... :confused:

April 16th, 2003, 23:24
Looks like a car made for Need For Speed?

April 17th, 2003, 10:32
Originally posted by Freddesix
Looks like a car made for Need For Speed?

yes it`s for "need for speed 4" and made by Zlatko :) he`s a BMW-fan but decided to make a RS4 a long time ago.. he`s now really better in doing car models look for example at this:


there es also an S8 work in progress for Racer.. Racer is a free game and made by someone who was fet up (?) with Nfs.. you really should play that game i`ll give you a link for the game:

http://www.racer.nl/ <-- here is where you can get it..
http://racer-xtreme.com/ <-- here you`ll get a lot of stuff
http://forum.racesimcentral.com <-- and here is the forum (scroll down till "racer free ca simulation")

there is also the track "nordschleife" which makes damn much fun the best car for racer is the M5 from Mr. Whippy there is no good Audi yet only a S6 Plus Avant which is only a beta but very nice tuff.. ok here you are with some shots:

this is the WIP from smo it`s an S8 and the best modell I`ve ever seen:


and this is the WIP S6 Plus Avant from Czapi


well if there are any questions, aks me..


April 17th, 2003, 13:14
I like the U.S.-movie inspired sound; wheel screaming on the grass/gravel!! :D
I crasched seriously one time, and it ended up in the car-heaven. Not kidding! I just kept on flipping until everything just became white around. :error: So I thought, this is where all crashed cars go... :p
The could do some serious work to the sound, it sucked. But the graphics have a enormous potential. The most irritating part was the lack of support for keyboard steering. But, this can develope into something really good! :incar:

April 17th, 2003, 18:48
I`ll give you my steering it`s little better than the normal one :D..

just download this and put it into racer/data/ctrlsets :) damn I can`t attach this only .jpg.. IŽll do it in a different way :D..

ok just try this:

search in your racer/data/ctrlsets the keyboard

and change the "max" by steerright and steerleft to 10000 it must hanlde better than :)

and there you also can change the buttoms for shift up/down just change the "key" to what you want :)..

well I`ll sent you PM with the whole keyboard :)

April 18th, 2003, 15:41
Thanks for the tip... It's almost possible to stay on track now... :rolleyes: But how do I download, or more correct, install new cars and tracks?
And can you turn of or decrease the volume of the wheel screaming? And the smoke makes the FPS just drop to nightmare-like numbers... But hey, it's free!

April 18th, 2003, 17:52
Originally posted by Snow
Thanks for the tip... It's almost possible to stay on track now... :rolleyes: But how do I download, or more correct, install new cars and tracks?
And can you turn of or decrease the volume of the wheel screaming? And the smoke makes the FPS just drop to nightmare-like numbers... But hey, it's free!

you just have to unzip car and put them into data/cars same with tracks then into data/tracks..

there are some cars, that won`t work because there .ini is for older Racer versions. there is a little trick to get them run, but it won`t work with all.. just open the car.ini (in racer/data/cars/xxx) of a car that works.. like something like that:

name=BMW M5 E39
credits=Conversion of Manutius M5 by Mr Whippy V1.75
comments=Super saloon icon for the 20th and 21st century

than open the one of a car that is not working and change these things i made red. What I made yellow there you must make it looking like that but a bit different.. for example if it`s a Honda S2000 so: honda_s2000 and it maybe works.. well just trie.. don`t know whether everything was right i said :D

/e: oh and the smoke is here the same :D..