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View Full Version : Trackday Fun!

October 22nd, 2006, 03:36
Calabogie Motorsports Park, a new track in my area, has been several years in the making, and was just paved this fall. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to try the Beast out, never having subjected it to a circuit before!

Quick facts: track length 5 km, total elevation change 65 feet, runs partly through forest, partly next to an old gravel quarry (which made it easier to build!)

The Beast did, as I suspected, act as a very heavy and understeery car. As the conditions were a mixture of damp and outright wet areas, this at least made the car predictable, and the ability to get on the throttle early coming out of the turns seemed to give an advantage over some of the mid-engined exotica present. The brakes didn't fare as badly as I expected, based on several posts in this forum, but they are quite grooved and scored, and with a couple more track days, especially if it's dry, they will be completely finished (and they were replaced under warranty only a few thousand km ago!) :rolleyes: :cry:

My biggest problem was the NA-spec 'seats' - more like benches! :vgrumpy: Both of my knees still hurt from where I braced myself against the door and centre console!

All involved had a great time and there were many comments from the most experienced drivers on the quality of the track and level of challenge it presented.

Sorry about the crappy quality on the photos - they were taken with a compact, older digital camera, on my second visit a couple of days ago.

October 22nd, 2006, 07:40
Glad your day at the track went well. No too long ago, I tokk my mugello blue ride out to Watkins Glen and faired less well. After only a total of 4.5 laps (3.5 mile track length), I (it) suffered what turned out to be a transmission oil leak. Very smokey! Blue smoke infact, outside and also some inside the cabin.

My delaership told me that it was from a leakey air valve that's only suppose d to leak gas (air). SInce it was part of the tranny core, it could be simply or reliably replaced. The presented the dilemma to Michigan tech. support (yes, verbatim from service rep.) and they siad replace the entire tranny. Would have been $7000 plus if it weren't still under warranty.

1000 miles later post-new tranny. Car drives without a hitch, but i'm reluctant to track it again just yet.

p.s. - MR imager eh spin echo? me too

October 22nd, 2006, 19:34
Thanks for the pix. Sounds like fun.:addict:

October 23rd, 2006, 09:07
Track days are always fun. Thanks for the pics and report.

October 23rd, 2006, 13:08
Cool pic's, looks like you had a great time. Looks like wether wasn't on your side...

October 23rd, 2006, 15:55
Hey, where is that track...perhaps my next visit to Canada....of course I'll have to pull my radar detector out.....again...LOL...


October 23rd, 2006, 18:57
Spin, thanks for the write up and pics. Looks like a blast and the track layout seems pretty cool. On a side note, it's funny that you noticed the sore knees from the bracing. I thought I was the only one. :D :cheers:
