In terms of storage:

1) Keep the gas tank FULL, never low or empty. Use fuel stabilizer.
2) Yes, use a smart charger only
3) Change the oil and filter. Never leave old oil in. The new Amsoil 0-40 has an extremely high 12TBN rating to help with infrequent use.... Anything is better than used oil.
4) Drive the car every few months. Do not run the engine w/o driving it for 20 minutes or longer.
4a) If driving is not an option, run the engine and trans to temperature every 3-6 months.
4b) For large temperature and humidity swings, the car sits longer (6 months) remove plugs and treat cylinders with oil (spray type). Rotate engine.

I've had my diesels sit 1-2 years and always start right up. Bought another that sat for 3+ years. Yep, started right up. Running it every month like some do is bad for an engine.

I'd leave the car on the ground. This will keep suspension and bushings in their normal state. Prevents 'learning' the wrong position if jacked up. Tires will be sacrificed- it's cheaper; tires age out either way. I'm going on 14yrs with one of my cars (yeah, I know...)

Justifying costs on this car is tough- your story must sting, perhaps a lot. But it goes beyond simple economics, at least for me: what can you buy later that offers so much, is so unique, offers stealthy Q car status, and is paid for, etc al. If the residual costs are not in the budget and caring for it along the way isn't either, then the House wins.

Eventually these cars will go up in value, just like everything else does, even if it's a POS 80's 'merican tar and feather special.

These cars are Cash Sale only since dropping off the 10yr Bank Finance table. If selling, you'll get more than $11K. If not out there, it would here. I've got room, that'd make 3 under one roof and another waiting.