Quote Originally Posted by paperchase View Post
What's the expected/average life expectancy of a new trans from Tozo? Also, is Tozo's torque converter upgraded from the factory unit?
Trans for Tozo is more than rebuild from Audi I would say due to his extra precautions. Life expectancy is anywhere from 2k-200k miles, depends on how you drive, and if tuned.

TC is the same from most everyone these days, Tozo, ACE/EDGE, Audi...it was only a bad seal in the first batch of original issues that caused a problem.

Edit; Everything that Bigglez said above, true. After 3-4 engine pulls my mechanic had it down to 15 hours from 20, but the first time he tried to replace just the TC was miserable, lots of other crap in the way, much tighter work space than other Audi's.