Quote Originally Posted by DHall1 View Post
No dealer close for service
The only service that I found shitty at Audi was the poor job they did with the DRC. I asked for them to install the struts from the S6 at the time it failed. I offered to pay and they still did not listen. I could have had the first RS6 in the country fail it's DRC and the first RS6 in the country fixed by the dealer with Audi parts. But they would not listen. If they abandoned that shitty system and installed regular struts they could have saved a fortune. Then putting the system in the RS4 was dumb and the RS6 mark 2 also. Dumb.

Otherwise the work that was done by Audi dealer for other things was fine.

My issue was the time spent driving back and forth to a dealer for any service, none the less the time I wasted with the DRC system screw ups. This was a geographic issue. I never trust car service as I have been screwed over before by mistakes. The key is that they never own up.

I was a BMW guy for a long time, but wanted AWD when I lived in the north country and BMW had little to offer. The dealer in Vermont was not willing to take a dime off on a 3 series AWD and screwed me over on the lease turn in on the M3 that they were going to "Whole Sale." Read as "sell it off their lot the next day for 8 grand over the buyout."

That dealer in Vermont screwed up a service on my M3. At the 40,000 mile service they only put in 2 liters of oil! I caught it as spring came and I was driving harder (after a winter time scheduled service, easy driving, snow you know, rear wheel drive and snow tires, it was fine)and could hear lifter noise. I added TWO quarts and it still read low on the dipstick. So I changed the oil the next day in my MUD driveway (rental house) and only got out 4 quarts. Thus they stiffed me on 5 quarts. I called them and demanded the friggen oil and got 5 quarts from them next time I went by. LOL. So no-one is perfect, but they would not own up on the mess up. Funny the car was never low again so I guess it was not burning or leaking that much after all. Lying sacks of shit.

I had my first run in at a BMW dealer when I was in Med school. I had a rebuilt transmission put in my 1981 Honda Accord and when the guy was doing the work noted the suspension was rotting out. Honda covered that repair but the mechanic who was working on my car did not refill the friggen transmission after pulling the drive axels out of the newly rebuild transmission. And he compressed the drain hose from the air conditioner condenser between the new suspension part and the car frame. The first screw up showed it self about 20 minutes out of the dealership as the transmission DIED from lack of fluid (oil if I recall was used in those transmissions, manual). The original guy who did the transmission fixed it again for no charge (sent him a check after my first paycheck in Residency) and noted the new Honda parts that were added. He knew what happened. The problem was that this was a Honda/BMW dealership and the snobby service guy did not want to waste his time talking to a dumb kid. Funny after some calls and letters to BMW USA and Honda USA, they pulled the friggen Honda Dealership from them because the mechanic who worked on my car was a KNOW drinker and was drunk on the job. Loved going back to that smug BMW service guy after they lost the dealership. LMAO!

Then as it turned out as summer came and I started using the A/C the car filled up with water from the over flowed condenser full of water. Took 6 hours in the huge laundry mat dryer for the carpets to dry out.

So they all can screw up. The first dealers who own up to mistakes will win the prize of repeat business.

For me, it's easy, the M5 with AWD was available now, I did not want to wait for maybe an new RS6 sedan in the US, or maybe a new S8 plus that's not some funky hybrid (read about that). Much in the same way that I got sick of waiting for the new S4 to come out when I got the M2. The new A4 2.0 was very nice though, was a close call on that.

Just remains to be seen if Audi jumps the shark and puts the DRC system in the new RS6. LMAO.
