Like the title says, I want to replace all of the stuff with the rubber peeling off. I see some of it I probably wont do like the HVAC since it seems you need the while unit. For a grand I can live with worn fan speed buttons.
The side mirror switch I am having trouble with. Cant seem to find any with the power fold in. Can get a million of the regular ones for under $12 each but I need the power fold.
Window switches are easy enough to find and very cheap (I am assuming regular A6 works) and its only the driver switch peeling.
Headlight knob and bezels look cheap too and plentiful to find.

Soooo, I guess the parts I am having issues locating are the power mirror switch with fold in and the inner parts of the door pulls. The part by the window switch you grab to close the door. That rubber coating is peeling there too.

None of its terrible but I want the car to be as close to perfect as I can get it.