Good result for the M1, it's rwd chassis will always appeal to the gifted driver and rightly so. Predictable opinions of the TTRS, most journalists knock Audis for being too good at harnessing it's power and making it idiot proof to drive quickly but more importantly is how crushing the Audi hammered the BMW in the performance disciplines, the area where we have come to expect BMW M cars to exceel. Well not any longer.

Plus Points
1 second quicker on the flying lap.
0.9 second quicker to 60mph, 1.6 seconds quicker to 100mph, 3.1 seconds quicker to 130mph and 0.9 second quicker to the 1/4mile.

Since everyone rates the RS3 to be more nimble than the TTRS it will be interesting to see if it's also quicker at everything than the M1.