Quote Originally Posted by wedouglas View Post
Let's see. You own a BMW, and Heffner is known for tuning Ford GT's, Lamborghinis, Vipers, and now Audi (which is a Lamborghini at heart, er, the other way around.)

I've heard nothing but good things about his work and he has a ton of TT Gallardos driving around.

The guy deleted all his pictures, but you can still catch some of what went on in the 10 pages of comments. Even if all those disgruntled customers are conspiring against him (Heffner), his conduct is childish.

Too bad you didn't get to see the pictures. Schocking stuff. If it said Jeremy Clarkson and his cronies build it using kitchen utensils, I would've believed it.
Bits of chassis randomly drilled, bare wires stuck to the car with ducttape, rust on the whole turbo-exhaust assembly.

I know, there's always two sides, and the internet isn't the encyclopedia britannica. But this is some very expensive hardware we are talking about, and not me, but some people on this forum are able and liable to buy the modification. I would be remiss if I did not make people aware of conclusions some of his customers have made in the past.

Like I said, this particular car looks very clean. Maybe they faced the competition and cleaned up their act. The pictures I saw, they weren't CGI, and no one would do that to their own Gallardo just to piss off a guy on the internet.