I echo this sentiment. Unlike Facebook, where there are pages devoted to cars, LinkedIn is strictly business. People wear suits in photos, and use it to track jobs and old college/University classmates and companies. On FB I have 173 friends, on LinkedIn, 13.

It is a great resource. GOOD LUCK!

Quote Originally Posted by BigRick View Post

The reason you didn't find that much RS stuff on linkedin is because that network tries to stay as business focus as possible. You won't find too many people on that social network posting pictures of their dog, cars or whatever else that can be a "hobby"

Another thing to try to stay away is open your network to headhunters. They have a tendency to "spam" everyone in your list to find contact and opportunities.

Stick to your partners, collegues & clients and you'll find it quite useful. I got plenty of business offers on that network.

I've sent you an invite if you feel like it.