Originally posted by Nordschleife

I don't think it really matters too much - its a Hollywood series.

The good guy wins in the end and gets the gal.

Seriously, its a race series that looks to be cheap to run in, on paper. In reality, the teams have turned into stalking horses for the factory marketing departments, the costs have ballooned and many of the shoes are expensive pros - like Andy Pilgrim.

There is no reward for innovation - do something clever and go faster - you will be penalised.

It is true that they give no rewards to the fastest team (only penalties) however it is "justified" by them to keep costs down. Even though this doesn't work.

It is about making it "look" good. You won't see the first place runner lapping the field like in F1. There if the team (in that case Ferrari) is doing well then it really shows. In world speed challenge the first place team (Cadillac) sand bags the lead to make it look like he not that much quicker even though Pilgram clearly showed otherwise!