So, I dont know if this is plausible or not, but hear me out and let me know your thoughts...

The clutch has been getting progressively better over the last few days of driving, somewhat hard at times, but still easy on the drivetrain if that makes sense.

I can now roll in 3rd @60mph and as of today 4th @80mph (roughly 4000rpm for both) and it just goes.

Earlier this month. I spoke with Mike the owner of Ringer Racing and what he told me in a nutshell is that it's very, very difficult to glaze these cerametalic disk.

Now heres where I want your thoughts. The Spec Stage 3+ clutch I had gouged a ring in the flywheel and dumb me never thought it as an issue and just installed a new clutch. Is it possible that either the clutch or flywheel has broken in to the point where both are fully seated and can now apply the full face pressure, where as before (when slipping) it wasnt able to fully grab the disk?

20190420_164144 by Joel Francisco