Parked my one RS6 back in the middle of July when I started driving my S6 Wagon. Was great for summer trips with my daughters and dog. Had a coolant reservoir burst a few days ago and while I waited for new parts to arrive, decided to go out for a haunt in the beast. To my dismay, I started it up and voila - no brakes.... Pedal pushes easily to the floor. Yes, only so many parts make up the braking system, but it escapes me on how it went from working perfectly when parked to totally kaput while it sat for 2 months....

Fluid is topped and no fluid on the ground. >sigh< Weird in my books as I've never had anything like that happen to me in all the years owning/driving/fixing cars. Going to chalk this one up to timing for a failed master cylinder.

Was going to pull it apart and overhaul turbos, timing belt, water pump, etc., so I guess now is as good a time as any.