These are getting to age where any piece of plastic, any piece of rubber is past, at or near the end of its life. And that includes any trim pieces, or innard o-ring seales etc. that's why they are so cheap. unless youre someone who as a kid read a Road & Track article on the car or smthing and said "I gotta have one of those someday" (I'm more than half guilty of being in that camp LOL) nobody wants these cars. They are old!! But I still think rare and coveted enough to remain collectible and SOME people will keep them up and do what it takes to do so properly. But I would bet prime-to very good examples of C5 RS6s will halve or more within the next 4-5 years. Bc if you don't care enuf youre going to just let it go, and it won't be worth much so even more reason to not invest in its upkeep if it doesn't tug on your heartstrings. Take it from someone = me.... who is really good at acquiring cars and really bad at parting with them, unlike Porsches (at least very very new ones) these cars (C5 RS6s) are definitely not user friendly when it comes to disassembly / assembly. I love mine and I will do what it takes to keep it in tact and wholly functional. But I'm an idiot... or at best a low end "collector" lol. My opinion, and I do deal in higher end pre-owned cars quite a bit, unless you're totally in love with it and plan to hold on to it for another 10 years or so, if you want your max $$ back out of it sell it now. And if you do want to keep it prepare yourself that it is approaching age of needing a full rebuild of any and all things rubber or plastic, at a minimum, which is a lot of parts and a lot of $$.