I just got this rs6 knowing I would have issues. I purchased it, at the sellers word, saying he had minor repairs completed to the front end and it was returned on a flatbed. He didn't want to mess with it so he sold it to me. TCU was confirmed completely dead. Installed a new one today. Read the measuring blocks and can see that there is no detection of movement into the trans. It reads 0 rpm. I put into gear and see no movement whatsoever but the idle changes when in any gear. So sounds like the ecu is reacting to the gear.

I'm thinking the trans must be removed and then I'm left with a few options. 6 speed swap (most intensive and costly), swap with used trans and hope for the best with a new torque converter, part the car *cringe*. Next step, I suppose is to remove trans pan and check for metal chunks? Also, seems odd and a little unlikely that the tcu would be completely dead and the trans would both die simultaneously.

Guess I'm just asking for thought or ideas. Anything else to look at before I start tearing everything down? Anyone with bad trans or dead TCU ever experienced similar issues? How much more difficult is it to remove the 4.2t compared to the 2.7t I've done?