Pretty much the same thing. What I am trying to determine is if my slushbox is "toast" or are there a few more things that I can check. The Tiptronic does not seem to work at all, and as I said previously, all of the gear selections are illuminated at once. I'm not driving the car until I need to perform another test or something. So, now comes the big question, If I can determine that the transmission needs fixing or replacement , should I go with a O1E six speed or another slush box? I'm fairly confident that I can do the conversion myself, albeit with a little help from my friends , as I used to convert automatic Volvos and BMWs to four and five speeds back in the late 70's, early eighties. But, I might be open to throwing in another automatic if I could find one cheap enough.
Two years ago I decided that I wasn't going to do the O1E transmission swap (when the Auto was still working fine) and bought a 1978 Porsche 911 SC instead. I've been gathering parts (needed a piston) for the Porsche , and planned on starting the engine build this month, now this happens. YUK! To make things worse, my nearly life long problem with my lower back has apexed, Orthopedic Doctor took me of my pain meds and gave me a weeks worth of Prednisone in preparation for an MRI this week. I'm hobbling around like a CRANKY old man , with two broken cars, Help! Thank you, Paul, Providence, RI