Hi Guys,

I have a question about transmission.

My car (has 140,000km on it) has problem only in reverse gear, has no problem whatsoever in 1st through 5th.

When I put a gear in reverse,
1. it usually do okey when creeping (no rev go up nor any shift shock with it)
2. after start moving backward, sometimes the gear (slips? I don't feel anything though) disconnected (I'm guessing) and won't do anything.
3. at that time, it doesn't do anything, no vibration nor anything. It just sit quiet I don't even notice that the gear is disconnected (I mean no shock at all). Just stops.
It happens especially when going backward on down slope.
4. if I let it stand for a while (about 5 secs.), the gear sometimes seems to work again with no problem without any vibration
5. but sometimes, it create some vibration (but moving backward)
6. Whan "5" happens, idle often bocomes rough

Rebuilding TC and transmission here in Japan cost me US$7-8,000!!
So I'm trying to figure out other method to fix the pboblem.

Anyone please give me some idea what to do.
Any suggestion will help me a lot.

Best regards,