To say they are full of $ hit may be too kind. That is not why it failed. Service people....geez

I have had two early vin cars blow transmissions by 40k. My late vin car is perfect to this day.

Late vin cars can last to 120k even with a tune. We are searching for the point in time where a update was made. Audi wont speak for obvious reasons. 1200 RS6 owners beating down doors. Lol

Quote Originally Posted by Robert Wendel View Post
I am certainly not a mechanic. The car just stopped moving forward and I could feel the transmission slipping - like I was holding a clutch down.
The local Audi dealer told me the transmission failed because I did not drive the car hard enough! (Guess I should have tracked the car.)
Thankfully, I did get Audi to pay a significant portion of the repair/replacement of the transmission. I think I paid around $3,000 of the $13,000 quote.....