I have not read every post in this thread however I paid a friendly visit to AOA North America headquarters today in Herndon, VA and caught up with a gentleman named Denny in the parking lot, he was jumping into a black TT-RS...Denny was very friendly and we spoke about both of the RS's for few mintues and then he suggested I go inside to the lobby which has a show room....on the way in I asked him about plans to bring the RS6 to the US he said something about Avant only (could have this mistaken) and that they (AOA Marketing) are still making a business case for the importation of the C7 beast. That's all for now folks, however I live less than 5 mintues from AOA in North America headquarters so may go back soon , my phone ran out of batteries just as I hit the showroom which has a red R8, a Red RS5 which he let me start up ( sounded amazing!!) also an A7 and A8 and the shell of an Audi Le Mans!!