View Full Version : Pics: Moose on the loose... (Navigator after crash)

July 22nd, 2003, 14:12
A friend's Linoln Navigator after hitting a moose.


Note the background


More pics


July 22nd, 2003, 14:40
That's terribly unfortunate!

How's the driver doing--any permanent injuries? I hope not...


July 22nd, 2003, 14:49

Thanks for the pictures...I hope all is fine.

The Navigator is quiet a nice car when it's in it's normal form. :eek:


July 22nd, 2003, 14:57
As far as I know the driver was ok. But what if he had another car? With the Navigator you can almost pass over the moose.

July 22nd, 2003, 15:29
that`s a long straight.. is it hart to see a moose, or to avoid one?do they trie to attac a car if they feel in danger? because i think the driver could have stopped, don`t you? well i don`t know the circumstances and it feels good to see the driver is not injured..

July 22nd, 2003, 15:46
It happens VERY fast, and usually at dusk or dawn.
But the highways and many other roads have fences to prevent this to happen.

The driver had no chance this time so he hit it without even touching the brakes.

The animal was about 200 - 250 kg. They come in MUCH bigger sizes.

July 22nd, 2003, 16:02
Take a look at the front bumper, it's almost intact!

That says a lot about what a moose can do to a more regular car, like the RS6...:mad:

July 22nd, 2003, 16:28
But what if he had another car? With the Navigator you can almost pass over the moose.
The animal was about 200 - 250 kg. They come in MUCH bigger sizes.
Yeah, the knocked-out moose in the picture doesn't look as if it's full-grown. It's terrible to think what might have happened if it had been a smaller car hitting a bigger moose... I doubt there would've been any pictures taken then.

The Navigator seems to have made it relatively well, though--it appears it can be restored.

In any case, I'm sure this will be in the back of my head next time I pass one of those elk signs... :hmm:

July 22nd, 2003, 17:11
Imagine a Smart versus a 600kg (about 1200 lbs) moose. Ouch!

Unfortunate, unless you want to go for 30 km/h you can't avoid these accidents. Hate to see a nice car like that getting smashed up and I hope the moose's friends got the point, don't cross a road in front of a car!

Btw, how fast was he going? 70 km/h or maybe 90 km/h?

July 26th, 2003, 17:30
Looks like the hood is made of plastic.

October 4th, 2003, 14:40
Before the crach.

The wheels are for sale, the owner is looking for larger ones :D


October 4th, 2003, 16:08
Originally posted by Freddesix
Take a look at the front bumper, it's almost intact!

I guess the moral of this story is don't hit your brakes! That way the SUV wont nose dive. Did you see the impact on the glass.....that's because of hitting the brakes....the car diving.....and picking up the moose.

But who can actually "hit a moose" without braking.

Good thing he wasn't in a Mini Cooper :eek:

October 4th, 2003, 17:02
Sorry for being OT....You'll have to excuse me. :hihi:


Is your friend known as Jugge and has a silver R32? I've managed to track him down. Has he got any good videos of the R32 in action? Cheers :)
